Cunningham Park Elementary School
PTA Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Welcome, Meeting call to order, Approval of October minutes
Transportation Update from Fairfax County Dir. Of Transportation (Tom Biesiadny)
Cardinal Campaign Update
Principal Comments (Katie Le)
Teacher Representative Comments (Kathy Coles)
Multicultural Panel Discussion/Q&A (FCPS School & Family Partnerships Office)
Burgers & Books – Tomorrow night! Go to McDonald’s at the Cedar Lane shopping center between 5:00 and 9:00 to participate in Dining for Dollars. Mrs. Brinkhuis will have a FREE goodie for everyone who comes to McDonald’s! Also, come to extended shopping hours at the Book Fair between 3:30 and 7:00, where the PTA will have a FREE treat for everyone to use at McDonald’s! Burgers & Books & Free Stuff – can’t beat it!
Book Fair – The Book Fair is happening this week and we still need volunteers! If you are available to work a shift, please go to to sign-up. Remember, extended hours tomorrow night until 7:00.
Hallowingo – A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered on the organizing committee, worked a shift, donated to the bake sale, or prizes. It’s a huge team effort to make it happen and we worked together to make a Spooktacular event!
Child Care and Dinner – Thank you to Girl Scout Troop #2206 for providing child care and to First Baptist Church of Vienna for providing dinner to our children this evening.
New website – If you have not had a chance to create your account on our website, please see a Board member to register.
Thank you – We had many families sign-up for the Harris Teeter “Together in Education” program. Harris Teeter generously donated $100 to CPES PTA in recognition of our participation! Thank you to those who signed-up!
Upcoming Events:
November 14th: Burgers & Books, Dining for Dollars at McDonald’s and Book Fair extended hours (see below for details)
November 15th: PTA Parent Coffee on the playground after morning drop-off (starts at 8:30 a.m.)
November 21st-23rd: No school, Thanksgiving holiday break
December 11th: PTA Meeting, Students present Playground Enhancement PBL and Strategy Games Night (every family takes home a strategy game to play with their kids over winter break!)
December 12th: Salad bar starts in the cafeteria at CPES
December 13th: PTA Parent Coffee on the playground after morning drop-off (starts at 8:30 a.m.)