2024 Fall Festival
Join us for our Annual CPES Fall Festival! Wear your best costume, play BINGO, games, win prizes, have some pizza and most of all have fun with friends and family!
Friday 10/18/24 4:30–6:30 PM
Cunningham Park Blacktop
Rain date Friday 10/25/24 4:30-6:30 PM
Fall Festival needs YOUR SUPPORT to make it happen! There are several ways to volunteer, including opportunities to help in the days and weeks leading up to the Fall Festival, as well as the afternoon of Fall Festival. We need your help to make this a success! Parents, please sign up below.
**Any middle school students interested in volunteering should email Erica Lee ejschmeckpep@yahoo.com by 10/11/24, please do not utilize the Sign Up Genius link "Volunteer Sign-Up." This link is for CPES Parent Volunteers only.
50/50 Raffle
Online raffle ticket sales have ended; however, tickets will be available in person at the event. Don't forget to bring cash!
- For $5 each, you buy as many chances to win as you would like.
- The winner is randomly selected at Fall Festival on October 18, 2024, and does not need to be present to win.
- The lucky winner splits the total collected with the CPES PTA. CPES PTA proceeds will be used to fund fun events for our school, teacher appreciation, field trip transportation, and much more!
- Example: If 200 tickets are sold, you have a chance to split the $1,000 pot with the PTA!
Early Bird Special - For every four (4) tickets you purchase, we'll give you the fifth ticket for free!
Early Bird Special Examples (Examples only, you are welcome to purchase as many tickets as you'd like.)
Your purchase four (4) tickets, the PTA gives you the fifth ticket for free!
You purchase eight (8) tickets, the PTA gives you the ninth and tenth tickets for free!
You purchase sixteen (16) tickets, the PTA gives you tickets 17, 18, 19, and 20 for free!
Early Bird Special ends at 3:00pm ET on October 16, 2024. Click here to buy tickets.
Please note, raffle tickets are only sold on-line or in-person to adults age 18 years or older. All ticket entries must include the name of the adult purchaser.